In honor of our great state, we are featuring different landscapes and landmarks on our gummy and lozenge jars, from the Panhandle to the Texas Hill Country to the Gulf Coast. The geography of Texas is vast and diverse and we are so proud to have our roots in this incredible state. As the first Texas-owned medical cannabis dispensary and leader in the state, we are excited to be providing our patients with high-quality medical marijuana from border to border. Read on to learn how we are celebrating Texas with every jar.
Medical Marijuana Border to Border
Our sour peach mango gummies are here just in time for the summer heat and are perfect for on-the-go dosing. The bright and refreshing sour peach-mango gummies feature Galveston Island’s historic Pleasure Pier on the Gulf Coast. Pleasure Pier is one of the few spots in the world that has fun rides and carnival games over the water, and throughout the 20th century, it became a centerpiece in America for unforgettable entertainment and family fun.
In addition to our sour peach mango gummies, our strawberry passion fruit-flavored gummies will also feature a prominent part of Texas. Each jar of our strawberry passion fruit gummies will highlight the scenic countryside of the Fredericksburg Hill Country. The Texas Hill Country is home to beautiful rolling hills, historic towns, underground caves, rivers and fresh fruit farms. The topography of Texas is expansive and we are so proud to show different parts of our great state through our packaging.
Our gummies are not the only product that will showcase Texas landmarks. Our Texas-inspired agave lime lozenges will also feature unique places around Texas. The agave plant can be found throughout Texas and thrives primarily in sandy, desert habitats. Since agave is such a prominent plant in Texas, we found it fitting to feature a landmark from the desert landscapes of Texas. Palo Duro is the second largest canyon in the United States and is home to the Lighthouse rock formation. We are excited to celebrate our beautiful state on our packaging by featuring special places around Texas. As leaders in the medical cannabis industry in Texas, it is our promise to provide high-quality medical marijuana to our patients no matter where they live.

Grown by Texans for Texans
Our medical marijuana plants are grown at our vertically integrated facility in Manchaca, just south of Austin, Texas. After the plants have matured, the buds are ground and sent to extraction to make the high-quality cannabis oil that goes into our medicine. Before our medicine is packaged and dispensed, the distillate is sent through rigorous testing to ensure our patients are receiving safe, top-of-the-line medicine every time. By providing high-quality cannabis medicine, we can continue to shed light on the power and truth of medical cannabis. As fellow Texans, we take great pride in what we do and are committed to creating only the highest quality cannabis medicine that changes people’s lives.
Get A Prescription
Getting a medical marijuana prescription in Texas is easier than you think. Ready to find relief? Click below to get started.