0:1 RSO Unflavored Tincture (300 mg)
Meet the first RSO medical cannabis tincture in Texas! Made with full spectrum cannabis extract, Texas Original's RSO tincture offers a whole plant treatment option and precise, drop-by-drop dosing.
300 mg THC per Bottle
10 mg THC per mL
30 mL Bottle
$60.00 -
1:2 Dewberry Tincture (450 mg)
NEW: Formulated with CBN, THC and targeted rest terpenes, our Sweet Dreams tincture is designed to help patients relieve sleep-related issues associated with qualifying medical conditions.
150 mg CBN, 300 mg THC per Bottle
5 mg CBN, 10 mg THC per mL
30 mL Bottle
$70.00 -
0:1 Unflavored Tincture (300 mg)
With only three simple ingredients and 300 mg of total active cannabinoids per bottle, Texas Original™ THC-Only tinctures offer precise, drop-by-drop dosing.
300 mg THC per Bottle
10 mg THC per mL
30 mL Bottle
$60.00 -
1:1 Cherry Tincture (600 mg)
Made with simple ingredients and 600 mg of total active cannabinoids per bottle, Texas Original™ Balanced tinctures offer precise, drop-by-drop dosing.
300 mg CBD, 300 mg THC per Bottle
10 mg CBD, 10 mg THC per mL
30 mL Bottle
$90.00 -
1:1 Mint Tincture (600 mg)
Made with simple ingredients and 600 mg of total active cannabinoids per bottle, Texas Original™ Balanced tinctures offer precise, drop-by-drop dosing.
300 mg CBD, 300 mg THC per Bottle
10 mg CBD, 10 mg THC per mL
30 mL Bottle
$90.00 -
1:1 Unflavored Tincture (600 mg)
Made with simple ingredients and 600 mg of total active cannabinoids per bottle, Texas Original™ Balanced tinctures offer precise, drop-by-drop dosing.
300 mg CBD, 300 mg THC per Bottle
10 mg CBD, 10 mg THC per mL
30 mL Bottle
$90.00 -
3:1 Cherry Tincture (600 mg)
Made with simple ingredients and 600 mg of total active cannabinoids per bottle, Texas Original™ Balanced tinctures offer precise, drop-by-drop dosing.
450 mg CBD, 150 mg THC per Bottle
15 mg CBD, 5 mg THC per mL
30 mL Bottle
$75.00 -
3:1 Unflavored Tincture (600 mg)
Made with simple ingredients and 600 mg of total active cannabinoids per bottle, Texas Original™ Balanced tinctures offer precise, drop-by-drop dosing.
450 mg CBD, 150 mg THC per Bottle
15 mg CBD, 5 mg THC per mL
30 mL Bottle
$75.00 -
20:1 Cherry Tincture (3,150 mg)
High-CBD formulations have a much higher content of CBD. With 20 times more CBD than THC, Texas Original’s 20:1 High-CBD formulation may be beneficial for patients living with epilepsy, other seizure disorders) and autism.
3000 mg CBD, 150 mg THC per Bottle
100 mg CBD, 5 mg THC per mL
30 mL Bottle
$75.00 -
20:1 Mint Tincture (3,150 mg)
High-CBD formulations have a much higher content of CBD. With 20 times more CBD than THC, Texas Original’s High-CBD formulation may be beneficial for patients living with epilepsy, other seizure disorders and autism.
3000 mg CBD, 150 mg THC per Bottle
100 mg CBD, 5 mg THC per mL
30 mL Bottle